
Vilém Flusser inspires and connects

The Flusser Club is dedicated to celebrating Flusser’s legacy, reprocessing Flusser’s work and strengthening the Flusser network – by sharing Flusser materials and shaping collaborative structures.

The Flusser Club e. V. follows the idea of the Netzwerk der Freunde Vilém Flussers (Angenommen / supposé, 1992) and is committed to preserving Flusser‘s work and to developing his thinking further interfaced with science, art and philosophy.
Together with all globally scattered Flusserians and in a polycentric network with the dedicated communities around the Vilém Flusser Archive and the Flusser Studies!

The Founding Members of the Flusser Club in May 2018:
Monaí de Paula Antunes, Guido Bröckling, Manfred Faßler, Baruch Gottlieb, Maren Hartmann, Anita Jóri, Katerina Krtilova, Sebastian Sierra-Barra and Steffi Winkler.

Flusser Club e. V. Statute

The Flusser Club pursues exclusively and directly non-profit-making purposes by promoting science and research, education, art and culture
– the care, preservation, dissemination and discussion of the work of Vilém Flusser as an object of scientific, artistic and cultural significance,
in particular the preparation and organisation of the centennial year 2020 on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Vilém Flusser
– a continuous scientific and cultural exchange in connection with the work of Vilém Flusser, whose scientific and artistic legacy is preserved in the Vilém Flusser Archive at the Berlin University of the Arts
– interdisciplinary projects and research as well as the organisation of symposia and seminars in national and international cooperation in the interplay of scientific, artistic and philosophical thinking following Vilém Flusser


[Vilém Flusser Archive] Fri May 24, exhibition opening: Oliver Siebeck – Flusserbiografie

Exhibition at the Vilém Flusser Archive, Berlin Opening Friday, 24 May 2024 from 17:00 to 20:00 Introduction by Dr Anita Jóri at 18:30 On view until 21 July 2024 by appointment via email to info[at]flusser-archive.org Organised with drj art projects: https://drj-art-projects.com/oliver-siebeck-flusserbiografie Vilém Flusser Archive R208, 2nd floor Universität der Künste Berlin Berlin Medienhaus Grunewaldstr. 2-5 …

[Robion, France] 12 May 2024, exhibition opening: Flusser et l’art / L’art et Flusser

This exhibition in Robion is a dialogue with the thought of Vilém Flusser. Curated by Professor Marcel René Marburger, this first edition explores the relationship between text and image and the technical image, inaugurating an annual series in homage to Flusser. Chapelle Saint Roch, 485 rue Oscar Roulet, 84440, Robion Monday, 13 May to Thursday …

[Vilém Flusser Archive] 12 May 2024, Berlin: A Flusserian Picnic

You are cordially invited to join us for a gathering in celebration of Flusser’s 104th birthday. We will enjoy great food, drinks, and engaging conversations. Please remember to bring your own food, drinks, and perhaps a blanket for added comfort. It would also be nice if everyone could bring their favourite Flusser quote, which we …



Flusser Club e.V.

Registered non-profit association

Flusser Club e. V. is registered at the district court Charlottenburg Berlin (VR 36879 B) and recognised as non-profit organisation by the tax authority Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin.

Flusser Club e. V. Statute

Authorised executive board

Steffi Winkler, Baruch Gottlieb

Responsible for the content (according to §55 par. 2 RStV)

Steffi Winkler
Flusser Club e. V.
Grünberger Str. 49
10245 Berlin

Privacy policy